1 year old is suddenly very scared and skittish.

by Eva
(San Francisco, CA)

Dalila loves to cuddle

Dalila loves to cuddle

I've had my cat, Dalila, since she was 3 months old. She adjusted to her new home very well. I recently changed apts but still in the same community. My apt. layout is the same except flipped. She adjusted to her new home well, yet again. But suddenly, my bf and I noticed she is not herself. She has been hiding under furniture, she won't come out like she used to when we are on our hands and knees begging for her to come out. Sometimes she runs from us for no reason! Even when were not even walking towards her. She's been sniffing things and us a lot lately, as if she doesn't know who we are. She's always been an abnormally affectionate cat, and she still lets us pick her up and lay her on our chest or lap and purrs and will eventually fall asleep. She's been eating/drinking normally, going to the bathroom normally as well. The only thing that is different is there is a stray cat that I've seen once sleeping on my second bedroom patio but I leave that sliding glass door closed. And there was one day, when Dalila's strange behavior started, when the upstairs neighbors were blasting their music almost all day. But that was just that day. I asked the vet and all they asked was if she was still using her litter box normally (which she is as menioned above) and asked if she was vominiting, which she is not. Hopefully someone, some where has had a similar problem and knows what to do. We are sad that our kitty is not herself because she is truely a one of a kind!

Answer by Kate
don't worry this can happen when you first move. It may take her some time to adjust but she will and she needs to do this in her own time. Let her hide, don't go after her this will only make her feel even more unsure..

You could rub her down with a clean towel and then rub the towel around the apt, bottom of furniture, doors etc to try and spread her scent.

Also give her some new toys and things to explore to distract her from any worries she may have at the moment. there are so many different things out there now to keep cats happy, see here for some ideas



i think she probably just needs some time, don't worry too much. After all if you are concerned she will pick up on your worry too.

best wishes Kate

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