13yr.old female cat very thin

by Tammy Heideman
(Corvillas,Or. )

I have noticed that my cat is very thin you can see her bones and she pulls her hair out .I did deworm her two different times and I havent seen any worms in her litter box, I clean the box everytime she uses it and I have 2 baby kittens they done seem just fine. I have notice a difference with the older cat she eats has if she never had any food for a very long time. What might be wrong with her and should I can her to the vet, or deworm her again?

Answer from Kate
yes I would recommend that you take her to the vets as soon as you can. there are several other illnesses which can cause these sort of symptoms but a thyroid problem is one that springs to mind with these symptoms. Please see this page for more information on this


I hope the vet can help her soon

best wishes kate

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