1yr old kitty my daughter found in a shed. hides all day and out at night.

by sabrina Wells
(ellington, Ct)

we have a cat that is about a year old and was found in a shed! She hides all day and comes out at night while everyone is sleeping to use her litter box and eat. we have tried to keep her out during the day by blocking her access to hidding spaces but it still doesnt seem to help. She gets alot of love and attension but doesnt want it. We have had her for only a month and dont know wut else to do. she also doesnt like other animals so she is an only cat. What else can we do to socialize her?

Answer by Kate

Well the best thing yo can do for her is to give her tme and space really. Some cats do take quite some time to relax enough to become friendly etc especially if they wee stra and possibly feral. You just dont know what had happened to her before you found her.

I do have some information about bonding with cats but as I say she has to come to you and not be forced into situations as this will just make the situation worse.

Here is my page about cat bonding

best wishes kate

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Try to find its home?
by: Anonymous

Did you try to find the cats home? Maybe she is unhappy because she is lost. I lost my cat about a month ago, she is a grey tiger. I miss her so much.. When did you find your cat? I live in South Windsor, close to Ellington. My number is 860-729-9444 if it sounds like the cat you have could be mine..

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