2 yr old cat sudden;y drinking alot of water

by Tash

My 2 year old cat has been drinking large quanties of water...i have to fill the bowl sometimes twice a day! Is this something i should get him checked at the vet for???? Could you give me some clue what maybe the reason for this at all??


Answer by KAte
Dear worried
well this behaviour may just be caused by a bug that will pass in a day or so. if your cat is still eating and going to the toilet normally then I wouldn't worry.

However if the excessive drinking continues for more than three days then yes i would say that a trip to the vets would be a good idea just to be on the safe side.

I am not a vet and so would not try to give a diagnosis, but i would say that cats behaviour can change briefly if they are feeling slightly unwell from a bug. just like us humans ie a sore throat etc. But anything that continues needs to be looked into.

best wishes KAte

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