4yr old female cat salivating and urinating in the house

by Mechelle Campbell

I have a 4yr old female cat who had a litter of kittens about 3yrs ago then we got her neutured. She has been healthy up to about 4wks ago when late at night i heard her crying which not like her. I tried to see if she wanted something to eat or out but wanted neither,she then went into our bathroom and urinated in front of me but it was very small amount. Since then she is very affectionate and salavates alot. 5 days ago she went into toy room and urinated which was alot but it didn't smell like cat urine it was more like cat meat which i thought was strange. Yesterday morning she went into playroom and urinated again but a very small amount again but didn't smell of anything.But she has continued to eat and drink normally but still drooling.

Answer by Kate
either she has something wrong in her mouth like a bad tooth etc which is causing the drooling and is distressing her and so causing the urination. Or she has a UTI infection or even she has eaten somthing toxic which could be causing the symptoms.

With these two symptoms togeather I really would recommend a trip to the vets as soon as possible. Hopefully it is something that can be easy cleared up with medication and quickly to prevent any more distress for your cat.

unfortunately symptoms like this could be caused by several things and so a examination is the only way to diagnose.

I hope she is better soon.

best wishes Kate

She certainly is a gorgeous cat. :)

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4yr old female drooling
by: Mechelle Campbell

Many thanks for your advice on Buffy, i will call my vet today and let you know how we got on.Thanks again Mechelle

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