5 year old Male cat

by Julie Trimble
(St. Martinville La)

The cat started pooping and peeing all over my house after being litter trained since he was a kitten. I called my vet and he gave him 2 mg of diazepam he has been taking this med for 5 days now. He is still pooping but I see no evidence of peeing. I give him the med crushed up in soft food every morning. This morning I finally witnessed him doing this. He would take off running and then a piece of poop would drop from his bottom then again and again until he was finished.My vet told me to wait 7 to 10 days of the meds. What if this doesnt work? Im trying to do this as low key and as lest expensive as possible because my husband will be furious when he finds this out. Please help

Answer by Kate
Are you sure he is not suffering from diarrhea? I ask this as you say it is coming out as he runs along this is unusual unless he cannot help himself.

The other explanation is that he is anxious about something which has caused him to want to scent mark the house. Please read my page about this problem here for more of a explanation of this. Also you could try the litter retaining process at the bottom of the page


best wishes kate
best wishes kate

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