9year old cat that bites

by shelma

i have a nine year old male cat. in the past few months he has gotten really aggressive. he has been swatting with his claws out, and biting my kids for no reason. he has always been a cranky cat with attitude but has never acted like this before. we cannot have this continue as i also have a daycare in my home. we are curious if the best option might be to put him down, as i doubt he would get adopted if he keeps acting like this. suggestions would be helpful

Hi, I can understand your upset an concern, however i feel it very unfair to consider putting a cat down who is not that old just for a behavioral issue.

It sounds to me that as your cranky cat has got older he is simply finding it harder and harder to live in a house which has lots of noisy children in. Some cats simply don't react well to situations like this.

If it were me my first option would be to have the cat checked by a vet to make sure there is nothing wrong which could be making him feel unwell and extra cranky.

If he gets the all clear i would say give him another chance in perhaps a quiter home.

best wishes kate

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