Welcome to July 2009 edition of the Happy Cat Ezine
Whew, well things are hotting up here in England, Summer at last. great news for all the kitty cats, especailly Little mo who is spending lots of time out in the garden in the shade.
Sadly for me I still have to work and everyone has been giving me lots to keep me busy on the site, I don't mind really, I love hearing from everyone.
As many of you may know it is kitten season which means unfortunately that lots of unwanted kitties are being born and perhaps don't have a great life ahead of them. So both myself and another site contributor (Mary F) have put togeather a whole new teir to promote cat neutering and Spaying. So don't forget to drop by the new pages and spread the word amongst all your family and friends to neuter their cats.
There another new caption competition for you to enter this month with another great little cat book as a prize, so don't forget to enter to be in with a chance.
Until next month
Best Wishes Kate
1. New Cat Huts This Month
2. Competition
3. Little Mo's Diary Update
4. Rescued kitty - A Poem by Mary Fl
5.. Article - Feral Cats – Do They Make Good Pets?
1.New Cat Huts This Month
Five new Cat Huts have been added to the site this month, Including two Angel's. Each one with their own delightful story. They are:
2. Competition Number July21
Here is July's Caption Competition. All you have to do is write a caption for this picture. You are the first to see it as it doesn't get posted onto the site for a few days, so it gives you extra time to get your entries in first.
Simply send us your caption to go with this picture.
picture by fredandcharlie
Click here to submit Caption
The deadline for this competition is July 24th. The best caption will be chosen and the winners name and caption will be posted on the www.our-happy-cat.com competition page.
This month the prize will be a copy of the book "One Hundred Secret Thoughts Cats Have About Humans" by Celia Haddon. GOOD Luck
3. Little Mo's Diary Update Happy Cat Diary
Happy Cat Diary 8th June 2009

Mum caught me napping today in my favourite position. Upside down on my back.
My mum said that it looked like I have Bunny feet. i don't know what a Bunny is, so I have no idea if this is true or not. but if they do have feet like mine, then they are very Lucky to have such lovely tootsies.
back to my nap I think
Click here to read more of Little Mo’s Diary
4. Rescued Kitty
by By: Mary F.
(North Carolina)
I found a small kitty
so tiny and scared.
I dont know who dumped her
or how she has fared.
She's cold, wet and skinny
such a pityful sight.
I suspect she has been out here
for many a night.
How could someone dump her?
It seems such a pity.
Some people are cruel
to poor helpless kittys.
Come with me little kitty
I'll make everything right.
You will no longer be hungry
or cold at night.
Your life will be better.
All the love you can stand.
No more neglect for you.
Only a kind, gentle hand.
More Cat Poems and Cat Stories
5.. Article - Feral Cats – Do They Make Good Pets?
The literal meaning of feral is “gone wild” and when used to describe a cat usually means that they have either been born in the wild or have once been domesticated but have been lost or abandoned and have reverted to the wild. Feral Cats are usually found living in groups or colonies where there is an easy and plentiful supply of food.
Feral cats may have very limited experience of human contact and so will generally keep away from people and run away if you try to approach them. However, as long as the cat is not too old, it is perfectly possible that they eventually could become very loving pets, if approached correctly. But be warned it can be a very long process of gentle persuasion and patience on your part. It can take weeks, even months before a feral cat may feel comfortable enough to be a part of your family.
It is essential that anyone considering re-homing a feral cat that they have a good understanding of cat behaviour and be prepared to take things at the cats pace. Cats generally learn by experience and so making the whole socialisation process a pleasant one will help to teach the cat not to be afraid of people and domestic life.
There are several steps to take to socialise your feral cat and each one can take weeks or months to complete and may even have to be repeated if a set back occurs. The first step is to provide the cat with a small room or pen where the cat cannot escape from and that does not have any hiding places. It should be a quiet area and be equipped with bedding, fresh water and food and a litter tray. Let them become accustomed to this area for a while before you attempt to introduce yourself to them. It is important that they feel safe.
Next spend some time with them, talking quietly to them but not attempting to touch them. After a while you may even be able to tempt them to take treats from your hand. Repeat this process daily until you sense that the cat is becoming less afraid of you. Only then try to stroke their head and back. If they back away, don’t worry; just repeat the hand treat regime for a few days more. A useful tip is not to look at your cat directly as they find this a threat. Instead either look away or half close your eyes.
Over time the cat will become used to you and realise that you are not a threat to them. At this stage let them wander around the rest of the house and become accustomed to the whole house. Make sure other people in the house approach the cat in the same way as yourself by offering treats. It can take some feral cats quite some time to accept the whole family.
If you have other cats around make sure your new feral cat has become use to their scent before he meets them, do this by rubbing their bedding around his living area, do the same for your existing cats. Feral cats usually respond well to domesticated cats and it can even help speed up the socialisation process, as they will learn from their behaviour.
Finally when you notice the cat grooming itself and happily using the litter tray, it is safe to let them explore the outside world. By this time they will have become use to you and your home and have probably made it part of their territory and so will return for that free dinner and comfy bed. Many feral cats have become very loving pets and have settled down to domestic life very well.
Feral cats do make good pets, it just takes a lot of patience and a gentle approach.
