Adult male cat has not eaten or drank in 24 hours.

My adult male neutered (indoor always) cat, which always comes running when he hears food being dropped into his dish has not eaten or drank in over 24 hours, we do not believe he has gone to the bathroom either. He has his shots.

He usually sleeps in the living room but he is sleeping in the dark bathroom floor away from everyone. And when I look in on him he meows a time or two and then goes back to sleep.

How long should I let this go on before I take him to the Vet? What else should I be looking for?

He is not throwing up or coughing and his eyes are clear and his nose is not running.

Answer by Kate
If he is not using the bathroom either i would not wait i would take him to the vet as soon as possible. A simple virus may stop a cat from eating or drinking for a day only. If they are also not using the bathroom i would worry that there was some form of obstruction which is causing the problem.

I do hope he is ok, post a comment here to let me know how he gets on.

best wishes kate

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