Affection in Cats

I got my cat from a shelter a year ago. He was just 6 weeks old at the time. When he was a baby, he was very affectionate & cuddly. Now that he's older, he's more aloof & likes to sit near me but not on my lap. He'll sleep up by my pillow when I'm asleep, but when I wake up he jumps off the bed.

I thought that by getting a kitten so young he would be more attached & friendly. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!

Answer by Kate
Nope I'm afraid this is a mistake to believe this. basically its all down to individual personality.

i have two young cats who I adopted at 4 months old. At first they were both extremely affectionate and loved to sit on my lap all the time. Now one of the cats hardly ever sits on my lap while the other one will occasionally. you really can't tell what they will be like once they grow up.

best wishes Kate

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