appetite and weight change

by Felicita Almodoval

My daughter's six year old cat doesn't seem to want to eat and she looks like she lost a bit of weight. Normally she is waiting to be fed first thing she sees us but lately she's been quiet and hiding.She doesn't seem as active as she used to be or as vocal either.Her food hasn't changed nor have her surroundings. She received all of her vaccines as a kitten and has been healthy so I am beginning to wonder if there is reason to be worried or will it pass? How do know if something is wrong with her or not?

Answer by Kate
Cats can go off their food for a day or so just like us humans when we are feeling under the weather. It may just be a little virus that will pass in a day or so. However if she still isn't eating after three days then i would definately take her to the vets.

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