August 21st 2009 - A Dark Night For Little Mo

by Kate

Hello everyone, this is Little Mo's mum. I wanted to let you all know that Little Mo is sadly very ill tonight and in hospital on a drip.

As many of you know she is no spring chicken any more in fact she is 17 at our guess and already suffers from a on going thyroid issue which she on permanent medication for. well today it seems she must have tried to jump somewhere and didn't quite make it and came down and broke her rear leg.

Now ordinarily a broken bone is no big deal but this done is not repairable especially i a cat so old. The vet has basically said that her only options are amputate or euthanasia.

As you can imagine we are devastated, the decision is not clear cut unfortunately. Due to her age and other health issues we are wondering if it is cruel to go ahead and amputate and so we are currently weighing up all the pros and cons and want to make the right decision for Little Mo not us. We want to keep her with us for as long as possible, but will she cope, be happy etc. We are sitting here researching, crying, researching some more, crying some more.

Little Mo is currently being treated for shock and we will go and see her in the morning where we will have to decide what is best for our little girl.

We ask that you keep Little Mo in your prayers tonight.

I will keep you all informed.


Little Mo
by: Joyce

I am so sorry about Little Mo--i will pray you make the right decision....and that she doesn't suffer. We become so attached to these little ones and love them. God bless-Joyce
Little Mo
by: Sonya

Our prayers are with you.
Stay strong,you
will know what to do in your heart.
Little Mo
by: Mary In NC USA

My Dear Kate
Please know that your situation with your precious lil mo is reaching hearts even here in the USA.
I am sitting here crying and feeling your pain as you try to make the right decision for your girl.It will not be easy.
You know that I have rescued, saved, raised, and loved deeply many,many cats in my life so this painful decision your having to make has been no stranger to me many times over.
It NEVER gets easier as these precious cats are like our children and our connection to them is a strong bond.
When I have this decision to make for one of my precious own cats....I draw a little comfort from this passage from the Rainbow Bridge Poem which
I know you know like the back of your hand.

If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
and pain should keep me from my sleep,
then you must do what must be done,
for this, the last battle, can't be won.

You will be sad, I understand.
Don't let the grief then stay your hand.
For this day more than all the rest,
your love and friendship stand the test.

We've had so many happy years,
what is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
when the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend,
and stay with me, if you can, to the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me,
until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time, you will see,
it was a kindness you did for me.
Although my tail its last was waved,
from pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it should be you,
who must decide this thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years,
don't let your heart hold any tears.
for we walked together for a little while.

Kate: My prayers and blessings and thoughts are with you tonight as you struggle with this decision but please know that your kitty KNOWS and REMEMBERS the years of love you have given her and she will never forget your act of love through out her years.
My Snickers is very old and also suffering from thyroid for many years.

She is becoming more and more frail and the vet has told me that bone breakage is imminent for her in days or months to come and when it happens that she is much too old to suffer an amputation or anaesthesia from surgery and to go that route will take away her quality of life at her age and in her declining condition.
As much as it will kill me inside, I am prepared to spare her of the pain and suffering of such a devastating surgery that will change her life and add more confusion and take away her quality of life when that day comes.

I will pray for you tonight that a higher power gives you strength to do what's right for your girl and touch your heart in the process.
Please know that your friend and fellow cat lover in North Carolina, USA is thinking of you and Little Mo tonight.
God Bless you and Precious Little MO

Mary in North Carolina, USA

Get well soon little mo!!!
by: Natasha Asif (Sydney Australia)

hope little mo gets better soon!
Best wishes,

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