Baby's Mommy

by Babys Mommy

My 8 month old male kitten which is usually very playful and runs around alot is all of a sudden moving very slowly, meows if we pick him up,and is only eating about a silver dollar size amount of food and drinking very little water, laying around a lot, doesn't get up and move but maybe once or twice a day and moves very slowly when he does, what could be wrong?

Answer by Kate
It is impossible to say what the problem could be but there is one thing for sure there is definitely something wrong. Kittens can be susceptible to all sorts of difficulties and unfortunately there is only one way to find out and help him and thats to take him to the vets.

it does sound like he does have some tummy trouble though and i think that the sooner you can get him to the vets the better.

Hope he is better soon


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