Bald Spots on my cat

by Amanda

I have a one year old kitten... male. A week ago i noticed a small patch of hair missing on his head... right between the ears... Over the week it has gotten bigger.. like a balding old man.. Should I take him to the vet?

Answer by Kate
It could be a bite that has caused some of the fur to fall out. The trouble is that is only one possibility and so if you are concerned and if the bald patch doesn't seem to be getting better than yes a trip to a vet would be a good idea.

Comments for Bald Spots on my cat

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Bald spots on my cat
by: Jackie O

I took in a stray kitten with the same symptoms - bald spots, he kept scratching them until they started to bleed. Then I would notice another one coming up. I took him to the Vet and they ran tests. Turned out to just be a fungus/yeast infection. They put him on steroids and sent me home with an ointment to put on him. He is fine now. They refer to it sometimes as a "heat spot" more common with dogs than with cats. Best to get your kitty checked out cause it could also me ring worm.

Bald Itchy Spot on my kitty
by: Anonymous

I live in maui and My kittens are very clean, Never been outside. The mother and uncle got out for about an hour.. Anyway My kitten turned up with a mark on its back. Looked like it just scratched a flea bite to hard a little blood and a bald spot. But over the next 2 days the blood went away and the bald spot got bigger and itches all the time. I put tee tree oil on it and Tripply Antibiotic and can not really afford a vet. What should I do and what could it be?? It does not look like a ring worm??

Thank you

Answer by KAte
I am not a vet and so cannot give you a diagnosis. It could be so many things from a sting, a bite from an insect or another cat which may have become infected. The only thing to do is to keep the area clean, rub on a little antiseptic cream (make sure the cat does not lick it off)if the area looks infected and keep and eye on the area. if the patch gets bigger or if it gets worse in any way you must take them to a vet, that is the only real answer.

best wishes kate

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