bathing a kitten with fleas

by heather

my kittens still have fleas after bathing them with baby shampoo, they are 8 weeks old, is it ok to bath them again the following day?

Answer by KAte
Baby shamphoo won't get rid of fleas you would need to have a special medicated flea shamphoo for that. It is also advisable to treat them with a spot on flea treatment for kittens. Both products should either be available from your vet, the pet store or online.

Generally it is not advisable to bath a cat too often as it washes out the oils in their fur which keep their fur and skin in good condition.

best wishes Kate

Comments for bathing a kitten with fleas

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Apple Cider Vinegar!
by: Zoe

I brought my little man home aged about 8 weeks and found he was riddled! As it was a Saturday night I had no access to a pet shop and they're closed on Sundays I needed an alternative and quickly! I sprayed apple cider vinegar on the back of his neck and base of his tail, I massaged it into his fur for about 5 mins (Dead fleas immediately started dropping off him) I then rinsed him in warm water and baby bath and dried him off. I made him a hot water bottle to lay down on (with a blanket wrapped around it so he didn't get burnt) and he purred for the first time! I de-flead my entire flat afterwards to ensure I caught them all and I'm pleased to say no scratches since!

Palmolive Dish Detergent For Fleas
by: Anonymous

Have had the same problem a few times and my vet advised Palmolive dish liquid, the green, original kind. Said it was good for getting rid of fleas but was gentle enough for kittens. I've used it, and it's has worked great.

by: Anonymous

I have a suggestion.
I'm a soft hearted person when it comes to animals and I have rescued many kittens from our trailer park. Or kittens get orphaned from the mother and others in the park are bringing me the kitten to bottle feed and nurse to health but are infested with fleas. I take a fine tooth comb like a flea comb or a human comb that has the wide teeth on one end and the small ones on the other end, some vinegar in a cup, and some tweezers. I'll give the kitten a flea bath if they are old enough then then run the comb in the vineagr then through their fur and sit outside with them in a towel ( On a warm sunny day) and go through their fur with the comb and tweezers picking the fleas out and putting them in the vinegar. The vinegar kills fleas also.
(I hope I don't sound like I'm stepping on anyone's toes with my suggestions. If so, I'm sorry.)

comment by Kate
Hi jen thank you for contributing your advice. I'm always happy to hear others tips and ideas on how to look after our furry friends. great to have you on board. :)

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