bathrrom breaks on the floor

by Cat Guillaume

somedays my cat decides to poop on the floor, her litter box is clean, so I dont know why she decides to do this.Any suggestions?

Answer by Kate
This known as Middening and is similar to when a cat urinates outside the litter box. there can be many causes. please read my page about the problem here for some suggestions. here is the page

best wishes Kate

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Cat acting weird
by: Anonymous

My cat has been throwing up everywhere. One morning we woke up and saw throw up all over the rugs and floor. She has also been meowing during the night time. I don't know what to do. And usually when she is laying down and I pet my cat she will get up. Yesterday I noticed she was laying/resting in the middle of the hall. I petted her and she didn't get up. She wouldn't move I am really worried please help!

Hi I don't understand.
Your cat is obviously showing signs of ill health, so the answer is simple. Take her to a vets as soon as possible.

there is no telling what the cause is. She may have eaten something toxic? She may have a digestive disorder who knows. But persistent throwing up and listless behavior such as this which is out of the ordinary for your cat needs to be looked at by a vet as soon as possible.


my cat is sick but I dont know what illnes
by: Anonymous

Hi my cat is 6 months old, recently noticed a lot of fleas on him that came out of nowhere. I did give him a bath with this cheap flea shampoo that I had and sifted through his fur to try and run them out but it didn't seem to be working. Heard that fleas don't like lemon scented joy dish soap, so I decided to give him a bath in that and it seemed to work (have another cat female same age and did the same thing with her also). Noticed now he's been pooping all over instead of in the litter box and he's never done that before. Noticed blood in his poop, and he's been lethargic and meows a lot. I know something is up. What is wrong with him? I am planning to take him to the vet tomorrow to have him checked out. I feel terrible for him and I would just like to have some information ahead of time so I know what the vet is talking about and I know what I'm doing.

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