Behavior changes in my cat

by Lori

We bought our cat when he was 11 months old have had him now for 7 years. He seems to have changed his lounging habits a bit. He always had his special places to sleep, but now he always wants to go behind something. Usually it is behind the wooden clock on the mantel or behind the t.v. Does this signify anything? Should we be concerned? Thanks for your input!

Answer by Kate
well this is a tricky one to answer really as it is not really possible to say whether or not this is just a behavioural change or due to some other external or internal cause, like illness or stress etc.

i know in my case that as my cat has got older she has changed her favourite sleeping places several times and now that she is getting really old and her eye sight is fading she does tend to want to find corners and get behind things as it probably makes her feel more secure.

In your case a 7 year old is not that old but if you feel the change is significant enough you may want to have him checked by a vet just in case something has changed with perhaps there eye sight. But then again cats can be contrary and it may just be that they fancied a change.

You are best placed to make the judgement as to the possible cause and if your cats behaviour has changed significantly enough to warrant a trip to the vets.

i hope all is well

best wishes Kate

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