by roxane
(gretna, la usa)
i live in new orleans Loisiana, and had to leave for the hurricane for 3 weeks. when i came back i had a cat showing up everyday outside, so i adopted him. took him to the vet and he has feline aids so i brought him in and because of this spoil him a lot i also have a female cat that i have been having. that used to rule the house but since he came he has taken over. he is very loveable and acts more like a dog than a cat but lately he has been biting me bad everyday were he draws blood. and i fuss him and he hides like he knows he did wrong. but still does it everyday. i do give him alot of treats through out the day but now he thinks that everytime i go in the kitchen he should get a treat. i cant give him treats everytime i go in the kitchen it would be too much. could this be the reason hes biting me? please help i love my cat and i dont want to have to get rid of him but now im scared of him. also he weighs 20 pounds thanks.
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