bladder stone in 5yr old female cat

by Tara

My cat has a stone in her bladder an the vet told me it could take up to a couple mts to go away, but she keeps going pee in an out of the kitty litter, sometimes it is brown or redish brown an the past few days she hasnt eaten, she is a small cat to begin with she is 7lbs,but she is getting thinner, she sleeps alot, an meows.. What do I do??? To have ti removed is over 1000, an I dont know if I can put her through that. The vet said This is normal but I dont think it is.. Anyone out there that has been through what i have?? I cry for her

Answer by Kate
So sorry to hear of your cats condition. yes it can be very distressing to watch. My cat little mo had terrible urinary infections when we first got her and it took some months to clear up. I too use to feel terrible watching her straining all the time, she looked so distressed.

Unfortunately all you can do is to follow your vets advice. I don't know if there are any animal charities where you are that are able to help with the cost of treatment or not. It may be worth looking around.

perhaps someone else has been thorough the same situation with there a cat and will be able to offer you further advice, regarding this condition. The community of people on this site are very friendly and have a wealth of experience and information which they are always willing to share.

best wishes Kate

Comments for bladder stone in 5yr old female cat

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my cat has a bladder stone
by: Anonymous

I too am having a problem with my cat. She has a bladder stone and the vet wants 1500.00 To remove it. I am so upset . The vet is tring a food diet Royal canin SO but if that doesn't work I dont know. She is 6 yrs and drinking water and eatting. She runs & plays when she feels like it. She is peeing not a whole lot at a time and had regular stools. I feel these vets are chargeing way to much and thats why so many helpless pets are thrown away. Something needs to be done.

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