blood in my cat's poop

by nina
(Los angeles, ca, usa)

I've seen blood in my cat's poop couple of times. What does it mean?

Answer By Kate
Hi Nina, i am not a vet and with anything like this it is always advisable to seek professional advice for a vet. I wouldn't like to guess what this could be. It could be something like piles inside or it could be something more serious.

Comments for blood in my cat's poop

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Cat pooping blood
by: Jeremy

The same thing happened to my cat, the primary causes for lower intestinal bleeding could be intestinal parasites or worms. It would be wise to inform a veternarian as soon as possible.

take her to the vet
by: Anonymous

you need to take your cat to the vet. my cat also uset to do that but i never realy paid any attention to it. i dont know what happened to her cuz i gave her away.


blood in the poop
by: Anonymous

blood in your cats poop can also mean that it has cat Pneumonia.

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