bringing mice into the house

by Roisin


Our cat has recently started to bring mice into the house at night and plays until they die and then eats them. Whilst I understand this is natural cat behaviour will him eating them cause him any harm?? Have you any tips on how to stop him from bringing them into the house also.

Many thanks


Ah if I had the answer to how to stop cats doing this i think I may be very rich.

Unfortunately cats will be acts and this is one of their favorite pass times. My two cats are the same, although as of yet they tend to not bring them into the house, well not yet anyway.

As for eating them, well again you won't be able to stop them and generally they should be fine. problems may occur if a bones becomes stuck or if they eat too many and get bunged up. But this is rare.

All you can do is keep an eye on your cats ans watch out for any excessive sickness or change in behavior ie becoming less active or becoming lethargic etc In which case your vet will have to take a look at them.

generally though when my cat eats a mouse, he feels sick for about 24 hours where by he doesn't want to eat and may be sick. the he picks up, if he didn't then a vet visit would also be on the cards.

Sorry i was not able to give you the answer you were hoping for.

best wishes kate

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