Butt Dragging

by Ashley Freudenreich
(Manitowoc, WI)

My 4 month old kitten (Figaro) is dragging his butt across the ground. I just noticed this today and his butthole was red and irritated. I wiped it with a baby wipe and then put some lotion on it to prevent it from getting worse. I haven't noticed anything different with his poop either. I rescued him from the farm I work on and he just got done with medicine for worms. PLEASE HELP ME!!

Answer by Kate
Ok it could be a few things and really the only person who can check for sure is a vet. It could be an infection (will need special medication) it could be parasites like worms or it could be impacted glands 9again a vet has to deal with this).

Your best bet is to get him checked by a vet as soon as possible. young kittens can go down hill fast if not treated for illness quickly.

best wishes Kate

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