Calico - The Shed Kitty Update

by Mary in Nc

Mama and Baby Lenny

Mama and Baby Lenny

Several months ago, Some of you might remember the mama Calico kitty that I found under my shed with only 2 surviving kittens (one of whom didn't survive).

I worked long and hard days, weeks and now months to save this little petite mama (who I call MAMA) and her surviving little boy (who I call Lenny).
I am proud to now announce that Mama and Lenny have survived the odds and are now healthy and happy kittys and preparing to be adopted into forever homes.

I may keep Mama as she is still a little skiddish and afraid of people other than me (she was VERY FERAL when I found her) but little Lenny will make some family a wonderful indoor pet as he is playful and a joy to be around and cute as a button to look at! I am currently seeking a good, forever home for him.

I have enclosed a picture of them for you to see.
Mama is the smaller cat on the left and Baby Lenny is the bigger cat on the right.
It does my heart good to see that my rescue efforts paid off with these two wonderful little cats.

There was a point where they was both literally dying from severe respiratory infections and eye infections so bad that they could not open their eyes until I cleaned them with warm water and eye medication.

I spent many a night caring for them around the clock trying to save them and having gone through a few touch and go moments....I;m happy to see them now healthy and thriving.
So, to anyone who finds cats or kittens in need of help. PLEASE do what you can or call someone who can assist them.
Dont turn away and say: Nature will take it's course.

Some will survive and do and you will feel so good in your heart to see that your efforts paid off.
When they look at you with their loving eyes, you will see they are very grateful for all you did to save them.

Everytime I look at Mama and her boy "Lenny" I know I can go to sleep tonight knowing I did my best for them.

Mary in NC

Lovely story
by: Mia

What a lovely story Mary- with all the bad news stories around, it is so nice to read your story. Your kittys are so lucky to have found your shed, and you. Keep up the good work.

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