Can cats be sneezing because of the cat liter?

by Tracy
(Hartford, CT)


I use Fresh Step clumping clay litter. I love it. I have always used this, however sometimes my 2 kitties will sneeze a lot and then sometimes they won't. this liter I believe has those perfumery smell to it. Would you suggest finding a liter that is unscented? I think fresh step has some unscented. I have probably answered my own question. I am sure cats can be allergic to their I right? Maybe I should try the unscented and see if it helps. The fresh step doesn't say its scented on the box it just says odor eliminating carbon for maximum odor control. It has those blue like pebbles mixed in with it.

Thank you,

Tracy from CT

I just love your site.

Answer by Kate
Hi Tracy, thanks for the compliment, i do try hard :)

yes I think you may have answered your own question, cats can be allergic to all sorts of stuff and yes it may be the chemicals in this brand you use. Do what you suggested, change the type and see if this makes a difference.

i would however say that i too have two kittens and they sneeze at least once a day. Sometimes because they have drunk from the tap and got water up their nose, sometimes because they have eaten some fluff. So you know, sometimes it can be difficult to know for sure. but try what you suggested.

As long as the sneezing is not accompanied by other symptoms and is not continuous or persistent i would not worry too much.

best wishes kate

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