careing for my kitten

by LaWanda
(Chicago, Illinois, USA)

My new kitten

My new kitten

i just got a kitten from my cousin and my parents wont let her stay in the house. i really want to keep the her so i put her on the back porch with some milk and vienna sausage. problem is, she wont eat and im still unsure of her staying outside on the porch because of fear that she might run away.

Great picture of your kitten.
I do worry Lewanda about the fact that your parents do not seem that happy to have a kitten around the home. This makes me think that they may not be happy to pay for all the care the kitten will need throughout its life. For instance, how old is the kitten, if it is getting on for 4 months old or older then it will need to spayed or neutered otherwise you could have all sorts of problems. Also your kitten will need vaccinations, especially if it is outside. Not to mention proper kitten food etc. All of these things cost and you need to speak to your parents about these things.

If they are not prepared to pay for them then you have a problem. To be a good cat owner you have to have money to be able to provide for these things and if you cannot you have to ask yourself is it fair on the kitten? I know you probably love your kitten and who wouldn’t but if you love something you have to do the right thing for them don’t you. So you may have to be wise and strong and if your parents are not prepared to pay for the care of your kitten then you may have to consider trying to find him a home that will be able to care for him properly.

In the mean time I have lots of pages about kitten care and feeding etc on my website which you may find of help to look after him now. Here is the first page
He needs a warm place to sleep that is dry and comfortable. Better kitten food as his little tummy wont be able to cope with the food you gave him and he may get diarrhoea. There is kitten food you can buy him.

Speak to your parents soon about this in a calm way and find out how you will look after your kitten.

Best wishes kate

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