Cat acting strangely.

by Jocelyn
(Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. )

My cat is around 2 years old give or take and he has been acting strange. He has been sleeping on my bed all day and when I picked him up to put him outside to feed him he growled at me and when I put him back on my bed he hissed and then acted like nothing had happened. I picked him up again and he growled at me again but I just put him outside and fed him. He took a bite and then curled up under the outside food table I feed him on and then 5 minuets late ran off. When I go to put him down after picking him up he bundles up al tightly.

What's wrong with him??

Answer from Kate
It sounds to me like he may be in pain or in discomfort. Anytime a cats behavior changes significantly it should always be taken seriously and kept an eye on. If he is still the same in another day or so i would definitely suggest that you take him to the vets fr a proper diagnosis. His symptoms could suggest a slight tummy upset or could be some other injury which hurts when he is picked up. It is difficult to say without an examination to say which.

Hope he is better soon

best wishes Kate

Comments for Cat acting strangely.

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Followed your suggestion
by: Anonymous

I wrote you maybe a week ago about my Maine Coon not putting on weight.
In the days that followed she began sleeping more than my other cats. I took her to the vet today, she had somehow gotten Feline Lukemia. For the sake of the other 3 cats that may not be infected (I have to save up to have them re-checked), I went ahead and put her down (also to prevent her from getting so very sick and in pain).
Others should be made aware (as I wasn't) that this dreadful disease doesn't always manifest in exceptionally horrible symptoms, her symptoms were just no weight gain and tiredness.

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