Cat acting wierd after fall

by chloe

My cat recently fell from just about 15 feet. she's 11 years old. now she's acting really wierd, her eyes look all loopy and she's twitching. i know her and she's really worrying me. when she fell, she got up, licked herself and just came back up on the deck so she seemed fine.

Cats are very good at hiding pain and discomfort so it could be that she may have landed awkwardly and caused a sprain. She may even be in a little shock.

Keep her quiet for awhile and allow her to sleep and see how she is later. If she is the same or if there are other symptoms then it may be an idea to have her checked over by a vet to make sure she has no pain.

Hope she is OK


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Heard thud from upstairs
by: Anonymous

I just heard a thud, think my cat just fell through my staircase chasing my other cat, acted strange, I have split them into different rooms and settled the one that I think fell. Seems to be settling, touch wood. I will let you know, cats are funny things and if they get a shock settle them down quickly. Wish me luck. Cat lover

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