cat behaviour

by Laura

I would like to know something. When my cat is lying outside or in side, when he see's i am there he will roll around and meow and wiggle his way around a bit. why does he do this?

Also why does my cat almost head but my nose sometimes?

and when i am still asleep in my room in the morning not making any noise, my cat sits ouside the door(i close it to keep them out) meowing continously over and over again. how does he know i am in there. ( my das feeds them earlier so it cant be that he is hungry?

thanks its really interesting.

Answer by Kate
well all the behaviors you talk about are very common and well i don't think you can say exactly why they do some things, its just like why do some people have strange behaviors sometimes, its just their nature.

With the rolling around dragging thing, my cat does this, i think it is a thing they don when they feel happy and the sight of you could be the trigger for this feeling. the same with the nose rubbing, its a sort of greeting like saying hi.

cats have a great sense of smell as well as being very intuitive and so your cat just knows you are in there and wants to be with you and thats why he meows to come in, again my cats do this too.

sounds like you have a very loving cat in your life, enjoy.

best wishes Kate

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