by Kristen Larson
(Port Hueneme CA)
I have a 9 yr old male, neuterd cat named Cathrone. I rescued him at 3 months. At his first vet check we noticed that he had a hole in the roof of his mouth and a smaller hole on his tongue. The vet at that time said that it looked as though the kitten had bit on an electrical cord. It has never interferred with his eating, but he has always liked to drink water from the bath tub faucet, because when he drinks with his head down he sneezes. When he sneezes it is mucous. Only once did he have blood in the mucous and he was on an intibiotic for that. For 5 years, he has never had a problem with discharge. He has adapted to this hole in the roof of his mouth. Another vet that saw the hole suggested that is was like a cleft pallet. He is current on all of his vaccinations and sees a vet regularly. These past two weeks his behavior changed dramatically. He seemed to 'forget' where he lived as he was gone for 3 days. It is not unusual for him to stay away for a few days but when I found him, he acted as though he didn't know who I was and ran from me. I was able to get him and bring him home and he ate 3 large bowls of food and has been drinking water profusely. So much so, that I have left the tub faucet on continuously. The past four days, he has stayed in the bath tub, not really sleeping, but hunched on all fours. Two nights in a row he got out of the tub and pooped on my kitchen counter. He has NEVER done that. I have a litter box and he would use that if
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