Cat continues to puke...

by Krysta

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I applied some drop flea medicine on my 3yr old cat who is pretty petite in size. I have given her this medicine before and she had no problem before. I put the medicine on about 5 days ago, and she has puked at least 1-2 times everyday since. The medicine is the only thing I can think of that changed her diet and atmosphere is the same. Have you ever heard of anything like this, mostly the puke is just bile, she still is very active and still eating the same, but pukes daily should I be worried?

Answer by Kate
I would say that the puking is not associated with the flea treatment as she has not reacted badly to it before.
I think it is probably a coincidence. It sounds to me that she may have a hairball. It is often that they will bring up clear liquid when they are trying to get rid of a hairball.

i have a web page about hairballs and how you can help your cat

If the situation continues or if other signs of ill health appear then you should take them to a vet. but give it a few days more of so as hairballs can take a while to shift.

best wishes Kate

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