cat diarrhea on and off

by christie

my cat is 4 weeks old we just got her aweek ago she has diarrhea sometimes she gones in catbox and sometimes on floor i had a cat before her but i cleaned the box with soap and water and put fresh liter.

Answer by Kate
kittens can have very sensitive tummies during their first few weeks and it is important that they receive the right food etc to keep them healthy. They can also pick up tummy bugs easily too, so diarrhea is not un commnon.

make sure you do not give your cat cows milk as this will cause diarrhea. Make sure that the food they are getting is suitable for kittens.

It may also be a good idea to see the vet in case they have picked up something and it is important that kittens are treated quickly for any possible tummy bugs as they can become dehydrated very quickly.

Comments for cat diarrhea on and off

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just a tip
by: Anonymous

often times, wet cat food causes diarrhea. Also, if you are feeding it milk, it would be best to cut it with water. If its straight, mine has severe diarrhea.

Comment from kate
Some cats are lactose intolerant so the only milk they can have is cat milk which has the lactose removed. Adding water to normal milk will not make a difference.

kitten diahrea
by: Anonymous

My kitten also had those sypmtoms i took her to the vet she became very very dehydrated her poo was like water she had ring worms give her some pro-pectalin it aids in the help of diareha and gives good bacteria to her stomach becarefull what u give your kitten to eat keep to the same stuff

Kola - Tummy
by: yvette maree

I have a kitten - male of about 7 mnths. since little from time to time whenhe has eaten his tummy goes within 3 to min afterwards and is running and has a unpleasant odour. what could the problem be as his blankets constantly have poo on where he has slept. I feed him whiskas.
Please help

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