Cat Dry heeving?...

by Jessica
(Fayetteville, NC)

I have a 12 year old cat an everytime she hisses she starts dry heeving for about 4 minutes after? Is it normal for an older cat? Could she posibly have a cold? I know usually when a cat dry heeves a hair ball is sure to follow... But after 3 months of it going on she has yet to cough one up. She's not aggressive pre-say she only hisses when our dog gets to close.

Answer from KAte
Umm it does sound like she may have something irritating her throat which is exasperated when she hisses. It could be a reluctant hairball or perhaps something else in the throat,

It may also be just due to the anxiety of being around the dog if it upsets that much but if it were me I would definitely want to have her throat checked out to make sure there wasn't something irritating it. £ months is a long time for a hairball to surface but sometimes it can be difficult to shift

Best wishes Kate

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