My cat is 14 years old and is loosing a lot of hair I mean bald spots is this normal she is no showing any signs that she is sick.
Answer by Kate It might be worth getting him looked at by a vet, he might have a skin allergy or skin mites. It is not normal for a cat to lose fur when they get old it is normally due to some irritation.
Old cat drinks alot of water, always hungry by: JM
My male cat is about 18 years old and for the last 5 months or so has been drinking water more often than in the past, is constantly hungry and looking to be fed, and has some clumps of hair that are sticking out from his fur and can be easily pull off. Any ideas. He has never been sick or been and hasn't been to a vet since he got his shots/fixed when he was a kitten.
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