Cat gagging and Lost voice

My Siamese cat who is very talk ative has stopped talking. When I can get him to talk either nothing comes out or his voice is hoarse. He has been gagging every once in a while and swallows quite a bit when he does gag. But then he seems fine other than not talking. He is eating, drinking, and playing. I think it might be a stuck hairball or maybe he has a soar throat. Can you maybe help me pin point what it could be? Thanks!

Answer from KAte
Unfortunately i don't think it is possible to pin the actual cause down. Both or your suggests ie a sore throat and or a hairball are both possible.

All you can do is give it a day or so to see if things improve. Hopefully it is just a sore throat which will get better over the next few days. Luckily she is still eating and drinking which is a good sign.

best wishes Kate

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Lost voice and constant gagging
by: Anonymous

My cat has suddenly become very quiet and unhappy. He is Unable to keep his normal food down (chicken does seem to work) he keeps gagging as if he has some hair ball stuck but it would normally be out by now. He is a very chatty and Lou's cat who loves attention but his voice is unrecognizable and very quiet. I'm not sure what to do. Could it be related to a mouse he brought in the other day? And he a large cat as well.

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