Cat going bald and hair changing color
by tony
We have 2 cats one 3 years the other 1 year both female the 3 year old cat has no problems,but the 1 year old cat is getting hair loss near the rear on her back also she is puer black but her hair is changeing color in that area.She seems alright in herself altho i have noticed she and the other cat have had few fall outs of late.Could this be stress induced?If so what would you recomend
Answer by Kate
I must admit to not being an expert in skin conditions, but often your right the main cause of fur loss in a cat is caused by stress and over anxious grooming. It could however be a skin allergy or reaction to a bite. Best to get it checked out by a vet first to rule out any underlying allergies etc. If nothing can be foubd then take a look at my hair loss page under cat health for some more information on this problem.
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