cat has fur loss on head and swelling eyes

by Kim Vella

I have a cincilla cat who is barely 2 years of age. I noticed that since last week she started losing hair on her forehead and under her chin and I also noticed a big swell, shifting from one eye to the other. Since yesterday she vomitted twice and once this morning. She has not eaten anything and barely touched water. We have not seen her using the litter either. She is also underweight, not even 2kgs.

Could you give us your advice please?


Difficult to say for sure rally. She needs to be examined properly. Have your checked for ear mites?

ear mites

Or fleas cat-fleas.html

There are also other skin conditions such as mange or even cat acne which normally occurs on the chin.

I don't like the sound of her swelling eyes though and I really think it is worth taking her to see a vet as soon as possible in case her illness affects the eyes permanently.

I have a web page also about cat eye problems too which you may also find of help here



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