cat is retching at night and not his usual self, is it his age?
by Jade
Just before christmas my now 12 year old happy,lively,loud and attention seeking cat had to have one of his back legs amputated. He started off ok and he was back to himself in no time. But recently he has changed he just sleeps all day and all night sits in the same spot on the front grass and even started to hide in a corner to sleep, he wont pay any attention to his toys and he moans for food but doesn't eat it all, then every night he does that thing like he is going to bring up a hairball or be sick for about 3 minutes then stops. Also his breathing has got soo loud and its like hes struggling for breath. Please help im worried about him
12 isn't that old for a cat now and so I am wondering if he does have some other underlying problem which may be making him feel unwell.
cat hairballs can make a cat do this, It can be uncomfortable for them for a few days until they bring it up and they may withdraw to be alone. The retching also is a indicator that he may have an hairball.
hairballs.htmlHowever due to the fact that your cat has recently had some major surgery it may be a good idea to have him checked over by the vet also. it may be that an infection has started in his chest and so, i think if i were you i would want to be safe rather than sorry and have him looked at by a vet.
Lets hope it is just a hairball and that he will be back to his old self soon.
best wishes kate