Cat itching

by Joanne
(Onalaska, WI USA)

I have two female kitties about 6 months old. All of a sudden they are itching all the time and very miserable. They rub their bodies on the carpet and meow. They have big flakes of dandruff. What can it be and what can I do for them? I am too poor to take them to the Vet. Thanks for any help!

Answer by Kate
It sound slike the poor little things wither have fleas or some other parisite on their skin which they may even have developed an allergic reaction too. this is very distressing for tha cat and could lead to sores, fur lose and much discomfort. their is only one solution and that is to get the RIGHT medication from a vet, it is cruel not too. If you cannot afford to look after them then perhaps they may be better off being rehomed. I know this sounds harsh but it is the right way to look at things.

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