Cat keeps scraping the top of her nose and making it bleed.

by Jamie
(Mandeville, LA)

My cat is 16. For a long while now she keeps scraping her nose on anything she can and makes the top of her nose bleed. Lately the sore has gotten bigger. What can I put on it to heal it and get her to stop this behavior.

Thank you

Have you had a vet take a look at her nose lately? I ask as it may well be that there is some irritant there which is making her want to scrape it so hard.

If she has a white nose then she may have been affected by the sun which can cause problems. I had a cat with pale ears and she kept getting a bump appear which she then scratched and made bleed. In her case the lump had to be removed.

It may well be a good idea to have the nose checked just to make sure that there is nothing forming there.

As for what to put on it, well there isn't much as she is likely to lick it off anyway i'm afraid.

best wishes kate

Comments for Cat keeps scraping the top of her nose and making it bleed.

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Rubbing nose
by: Katherine

I have a 12yr tux with the same problem. I have taken her to the vet and he can't find a problem with her. I wonder if it could be nerves,she is a nervous kitty,and that's about only thing I can think of.

Scrathed nose
by: Norman

I have a similar problem with my 12 year old tabby cat and she tends to scratch her nose tip off to reveal a raw and bloody end.
I think its because she battles to retract her nails so I tried cutting them but this has not helped.
Can u advise me further?


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