Cat keeps shaking his paw
by Julia
I recently noticed my cat shaking his paw uncontrollably, especially at rest. I noticed one of his nails is missing on the paw that's shaking. Could this have caused nerve damage or something? He is still running around and everything, but I was still concerned with the shaking. It looks like he has Parkinson's or something. Thanks for any help.
yes he may have damaged a nerve when the nail came out or it may just be the tissue healing and the sensations you get when this happens causing his to shake his paw.
Healing tissue and skin can itch or make sharp little pains and this may be causing your cat to shake his paw.
Take a look at the area to make sure there is no cuts or infection. If there is then you may want to take him to see a vet to have it checked over. Otherwise just keep an eye on him and see if the problem gets any worse over the coming days and weeks. Hopefully it will heal up by itself and the shaking will stop.
best wishes kate