I have a Maine Coon Cat that did this same thing. I took her to the vet, coming to find out she had an allergy to something but not sure what. She went from being a strictly indoor cat to being an indoor/outdoor cat when I first got her from my parents. This happened the first year I got her, she had bumps all over her too where she would dig at herself all the time. The vet gave her a shot called Depo provera, it cleared it up. I had a guinea pig that did the same thing and they gave him the same shot and it cleared it up and new fir grew.
possible allergies... by: Alissa
My cats have both been officially diagnosed by a veterinarian dermatology specialist as having environmental allergies causing atopic dermatitis.
I had my younger cat allergy tested after parasites and other diseases were ruled out. It was determined she was highly allergic to mold, cockroaches, willow, oak and a few other things. I tried weekly allergy shots but as we moved around to different parts of the country they would no longer be useful as the allergens changed in different areas. We use Atopica gel caps every 2 days or so as they stop the cats from itching. These have to be perscribed by a vet.
Both my cats will lick their bellies clean of fur as well as their inner legs and elbow areas which seem to be the most common.
To find a dermatology specialist in your area go to acvd.org
Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional advice / treatment by a licensed veterinarian. If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. Do not disregard veterinary advice/treatment.