Cat may have broken back or legs

by Monika
(Vancouver Island, BC)

My cat was outside and we heard him whining under the vehicle. My husband went to check on him and he is dragging his back legs. My husband went to pet him or comfort him but he wants to be left alone but at the same time doesn't want to be left alone. When he pats him he tries to bite him. We are guessing that perhaps he was hit by a car or that maybe he is showing some signs of being in heat. We brought him into the yard and he wanted to lay in his favourite bushes. And now a few minutes later when we went to check on him he has disappeared. Can you give me some answers to this problem.


Answer by kate
Take him to the vets imediately. It soes sound like he has had some sort of accident. cat injuries can be very disceptive and they can cover up a lot of their pain and discomfort. but the fact that you said he was dragging his leg definately sounds like an injury.

Comments for Cat may have broken back or legs

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Cat back legs paralysis
by: Maria

This sounds very much like what happened to our 6 year old Dilute Calico. She was fine, then we heard a thump upstairs and a cat wail...we found her unable to walk and was in distress. Got her into the vet immediately....she was diagnosed with Saddle Thrombosis. A blood clot gets lodged at the base of the lower back that feeds blood and circulation to the hind legs. There is no cure...The animal is in horrible pain. We put her down immediately to save her further distress. She had been previously diagnosed with a heart murmur and we were told at the time of the incident that this eventual thrombosis is not uncommon. She was a great cat...we miss her, but knew we did the right thing to stop the excruciating pain she was in.

by: Anonymous

Your cat needs a vet ASAP sounds like he has spinal injury and his legs are paralized. When a injury occurs it becomes swollen and puts pressure on surrounding nerves your cat is basically aa paraplgic at this time He will need surgery at the very leaast. If you wait too long the window of opportunity may pass and it will be too late to help him. Spinal injuries on humans and pets are pretty much the same when it comes to a injury. If the pressure is not relived off of the spinal column it can cause permanet damage Good Luck

by: Anonymous

My Cats crippled and does that, he also has seizers. Hes happy though, hes 2 years old now he was born that way.

by: Tim

My cat has almost the same problem. His legs are very limp and he cannot walk on them. We tried to give him food, but he refuses to eat. We figured that his legs are broken, but we have not the slightest idea of what happened because he has been gone for over 5 days. We just found him about 2 days ago, and we think he either got in a fight with a fox, or he accidentally slipped into one of our crazy neoghbor's cat traps. We are going to bring him to the vet on Monday if he does not clear up by then.

(P.S.- Today is Saturday.)

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