Cat Memorials 2011

Cat memorials for 2011. This is a place where cat owners can remembering their furry friends and celebrate their lives together.


 by kelly blanchfield (UK)

8th Jan 2011
Goodnight and godbless our lovely little girl, no more pain just a lovely long sleep, we loved you from the moment you came into our lives, there hardest thing I had to do was hold you while you passed away but I know when you lifted your head and kissed my face you were telling me its ok mum I'm not in pain now, and Tom loved you more than the world and he misses you so much....

goodnight sweetheart

Mum,Tom and Sophie big kisses from your brother Fudge xx


11th January 2011
Dear Milly,

Sweet little pussy cat we love and miss you so much. You gave us ten years of companionship.

Sleep tight and God Bless

Mum, Dad, Ellie, Seth and your sister Morag x x x x x


by Peggy Peterson (Florida)

I'm sorry that we wasn't able to be with you when the dogs attack you, but it hurt so bad to see you lying there in the drive when we came in. I jump from the car and saw your body in blood and trauma. I'm sorry
you had to suffer and there was nothing we could do to save you. You have left this earth to be with God and his kingdom. I know that you are with Moma/daddy/Clyde and Willie dog, and they are rejoicing to see you and that I have another angel watching over me.

I miss you so much, especially at your eating time and your eagerness to see what I had for you and when I call you in for the night. I recall with smiles on my face about the time, I chop up 3 fish and you ate the whole plate and not one of the other cats got any! HAHA, you were so please with yourself.

You came into our hearts 12 years ago, when we found you in the barn in a lawnmower and you were a feisty mean little guy then and still to this day, but you left a lot of happy times and memories for us. Our Willie dog got used to you and you him and were inseparable. I recall when Willie died how you sat upon his grave for days, now you lie next to his. You were an amazing cat and i'm grateful YOU pick us to be with.

There's a saying you don't own a cat, a cat owns you and YES you did. Amy,Sammy,Longtail,Shorty,Slinker,
Fanci all wonder around looking for you, they know you're gone from us. They grive too.

Good bye my friend, until we are united in heaven one day, that will be a very happy day for all of us.

Much love,



Loved Bags. Love a cuddle.Fought to the very end.


by Melinda Dingess (Greenwood, De)

Dinah, my sweet calico "kitty girl". Born 11/17/09 Died 01/18/11. Today I had to have my 14 month old calico put to sleep because she had the FIP disease. Dinah helped heal my heart when I got her 3 days after I lost my 17 year old calico "Belle Kitty". I knew at the time that no other cat was going to replace Belle. Dinah seemed to know that my heart was broken and we instantly bonded. She was the youngest and the only girl in our "animal house" (she had two brother cats and two brother dogs). She will be greatly missed.

To Dinah: You made my heart happy in the short time that you were in our family. I am so sorry that this terrible disease had to take you so soon.


by JoJo's Mom (Huntington, VT)

You left us so quickly and unexpectedly, sweet boy... we are aching from the hole you left in our hearts and home. I'm sure your heaven is filled with fat mice, dripping water hoses, freshly popped corn... long luxurious naps and fancy hair cuts. 
JoJo leaves behind his loving parents Kelly and Joe, and his 2 brothers George and Quincy. We love and miss you terribly!


For Fifa (and my Sarah)

Fifa chose us on Saturday the 20th of December 2008 from a rescue home in Cardonald, Glasgow. She was a Beautifully well behaved cat, in which the vet had already commented on in his report before we had even met her. Fifa at first was very skinny and a little bit wary of her new surroundings. Trust me when I say, this all changed after a short while with trial and error in the pursuit of missy's favourite thing to eat. Me and my partner Sarah had to resort to the spelling of the trigger word M-E-A-T or there would be a flying cat departure from the couch!

I can honestly say it pains me to think that she is gone from us. This event was recorded in history yesterday, the 28th of January 2011. She was given the sleep that ends all sleeps due to mammery cancer. Because this happened only a day ago i find it hard to think that the ache will ever go away, but it will, and be replaced with memories of the gift our Fifa gave to us. She was very much a part of our everyday lives and probably always will be due to the enrichment of life she passed to us.

Its hard to some up Fifa in a little space, so I say only this, She was our Beautiful little princess. Thank you for everything you did for us, we will miss you , I speak for both of us, When I say, we promise to think of you with proud smile's very soon......... we love you x x


by Vanessa

My dear little cat Sammy, who left us on the 22 of january 2011. I miss you so mutch and will remember every moment we have shared together. I will love you forever my friend. Peace 


by Elizabeth (Mukilteo, WA)

Mr Bill lived from October 8, 1996 to January 26, 2011. He was the sweetest, gentlest guy out there, and we miss him so, so much.


by Kelly (UK)

My beautiful feline soul mate Pickles (also known as Baby girl) went to sleep on 28/1/11 my heart is broken with out you <3 :( we spent 15 and a 1/2 wonderful long years together from July 95-Jan 11 forever in my heart and love you always baby girl lots of love and cuddles Mummy xxxxxxxxxx


by Lynne (Knoxville, TN)

February 7, 2011 of feline HCM
We shared a Christmas birthday, but you were only two on our last birthday together. You were gorgeous, smart, and funny and liked to snuggle by my side at night. Your antics at the houseboat--your favorite place on earth--were enjoyed by everyone on the dock. Your adopted brother Bentley misses your games of tag and wrestling matches, and the mutual grooming sessions. You were his best friend.
Rest well, young fellow. We enjoyed every minute of your too short life. 
Lynne & Charlie


by Dave & Dennis McGrath-Wagner (Concord, CA)

February 15, 2011 - Beethoven was a loving Tabby and full of life. He had a dog personality and was the King of the house.


by kevin breen (n.irelande)

We lost our cat Snowy on 14 feb 11. He was loved so much and we will miss him.

sorry for your loss but hopefully your other cat will bring you comfort at this time.

Pebbles Marie

by Sue (Massachusetts, USA)

January 17, 2011
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. " 
(Anatole France) 


02/16/2011~ My dearest, sweetest furriest friend-I love you more than you will ever know and miss you terribly. Until we meet again-mommy


by Bill (Huntersville, N.C.)

February 18, 2011

Sugar - A shy lovable, gentle soul who was a gift from God to us. Nancy, Marbles and I were all glad you shared your nearly 13 years with us and miss you more than words can say. We are glad you are no longer in pain and in a far better place, but will always remain in our hearts.

miss kitty 

by mattie (barbourville ky)

january 30th ms.kitty .miss you every day.i will see you again someday across the rainbow bridge.


by CHAN FAMILY (Malaysia) 05 June 2008 - 20 Jan 2011(2 Yrs 7 mths)

Our Dearest Beloved Elliot,
You are the most adorable, lovable, wonderful cat we ever had. You came to us as a beautiful furball of golden patches, we raised you and you have brought joy to our lives. Your unassuming,never-noisy,quiet, playful nature endears us to you. We come home everyday looking forward to feed, cuddle and hug you together with your brothers and sisters. On the day Rambo died and when we were burying him, you were around sitting on that tree stump looking sad and forlorn. I carried you and hugged you and put you down but little did we know that you wandered away and you never came back. You have never stayed away when we always tuck you in for the night. We combed the area but could not find you and when we finally found you the next day, we were distraught and broke down uncontrollably!

 Oh God, we don't deserve to have 2 beloved cats taken away from us on that same fateful day so cruelly and suddenly. You and Rambo do not deserve to die this way or to die at all and in 2 separate accidents on the same day! How tragic, sad and lost we feel! We can never be able to touch, feel and hold you anymore and it saddens us so deeply. We are lighting candles now and praying for you as you walk up to heaven. Do not be afraid, do not fear our beloved dear Elliot, for God is with you. Be happy and be at peace through eternity at Rainbow Bridge as you join Blackie and Eva 1. And know that we all love you so, soooooooo very much and we miss you so badly! You will forever and ever stay in our hearts and minds...

Love Never Ever Fades,,,from your loving family


by Eloise (Cape Town, South Africa)

Meet Gandolf the Great.
He was my wise old man, the silent but strong type.
We had moved into our new place with our two kitties - Leo & Makkie.
Gandolf would visit. He wasn't loud or attention seeking, it was as though he just wanted to be in our company.
Slowly but surely his visits became more frequent.
We found out that his owner had previously lived in the house we had moved into.
He took Gandolf with when he moved, but Gandolf kept coming back to the house.
Neighbours of the complex would feed him & he would hop from house to house, but he never settled.
Until we moved in. That was 2004.

A year later we had to move & we didn't know if it was right of us to take Gandolf with us. Leading up to the move, we prayed & asked for a sign.

On the day of the move, I had gone ahead to the new house & left my mum to wrap things up by the old house. On her last trip to the car with Leo & Makkie in their baskets, there was Gandolf sitting on top of her car waiting for her to let him in. That's when we knew it was meant to be.
Our lives were so much richer with him in it!
He was so gentle & taught me so much.
In 2008, i started noticing that all wasn't well with Gandolf.
He wasn't eating or drinking any water for a few days. 
I came home early from work one day, I had just settled in when Gandolf threw up & again 2 minutes later.
I immediately knew something was wrong & rushed him to the vet.
He was kept over night on a drip as he was dehydrated. His blood tests came back with elivated readings & the diagnosis was cancer. They weren't sure if it was a tumour & unfortunately we could not afford the scans they would need to do.
The following day we came to see him at the vet & I could see that he wasn't happy. After a long agonising morning, I finally had to make the call & have him put to sleep. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make & it haunted me for months.
Gandolf will never be forgotten. I think about him often & smile every time I look at photos of him.
Love you madly my wise old man!


by Kelvin (Columbus Ohio USA)

ee was the cat that was a part of me, from the first bottle feeding to the last day of his life. I expected him to be around for a lot longer but after nine years his time had come.

He went peacefully in his bed, I will always remember his kitten meows and soft pawing to get my attention. I hope you are rolling in catnip with a big dish of chicken to eat, he will always be my big spotted black and white cow...


You were my joy and so sadly missed. Bless you my darling friend.

Comment from Kate
So sorry for your recent loss. A very beautiful cat who I'm sure you had many happy years with. What a wonderful gift and blessing their friendship it and it is something that always lives on in us.


by Rob & Kelly (Indiana)

May 2003 to March 9, 2011

You may have left our lives, but you will never leave our hearts. We miss you so much!


by Lisa and Sal (San Diego, CA, USA) March 18, 2011

Dearest Oliver,

Mommy, Daddy, and Melvin miss you and love you so incredibly much. Losing you has the been the most difficult thing this family has ever had to endure. The unconditional love and immense joy you have given us for the past 17 years will always be remembered. We love you Owllz, and even though you are no longer part of the physical world, you will live forever in our hearts and be part of this family.


by Mandy (UK) 29/01/2011

The day you left me, I felt my heart being crumbled to pieces and my one true love being stolen away from me. I miss you each and every day, your beautiful memories remain engraved on my soul and I believe now that you are free and happy in heaven with no pain or suffering; The tears have become dry but that doesnt mean I love you or miss you less, My love is forever lasting for you and I will miss you always-my son, my Angel, my best friend and my all I love you now, forever and always. Remember your Mummy Jaanoo and one day I will be with you x x x x x x x


by Sherry Campbell (Inman, SC USA) 4/6/2011

My sweet Bo, you are deeply missed. My heart cries for you, but I know you no longer suffer. I continually hear "He was the sweetest cat I've ever known" from everyone. And that is so true. You were such a precious and loving baby. Momma loves and misses you with all her heart!


by Rhian (Wales, UK) 15 April 2011

You walked into our lives 3 years ago, you were hungry, thin and very run down but you woudn't come into the house to start with, so we fed you as much food as you wanted when you wanted it and we spent a lot of time with you out the back. You eventually decided to move into the house when you knew you could trust us, we took you to the vets for a check up to make sure that you were ok and you were, in time after being fed properly for a month or two you turned out to be a beautiful cat. Over time you has a few problems with your mouth and we found out you had gingivitis which was controlled with ongoing medication.

 Then yesterday you collapsed and I rushed you down the vet and they found a big tumor in your stomach and told me that everything was closing down, your veins were collapsing and your temperature was really low and I knew there what I had to do for you and we lost you.

I wish we had longer with you because 3 years goes so quick and we all miss you so much. You were such a friendly loving cat even though you had been through so much in your life and you were so brave right to the end.

Rest in peace little one you will never be forgotten.

Lots of Love 
Mam, Dad and Uncle Ger


by Dignora and Matt (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Born July 2008 passed away April 15th 2011.

My beloved Leeloo was my best friend, my companion, my baby, my comfort, my warmth in the cold winters, my sunshine in the breezy days. She made me feel whole, I could tell her anything and she never judged me, she will always looked up to me with trusting eyes. She was my good girl and a good sister to her feline companion Zosia. She was my husband's "good girl" as well. We will both miss her tremendously and as long as we keep her in remembrance our love for her will remain fresh. We know she is in a good place as she remains and lives in our hearts forever. Love always Dee and Matt.


by Chan's family (Hong Kong)

2011 May 5th
Rest in Peace Bobo. We always love you.
one day, we will all meet together.

We love you and hoping you have another happy life again!
From Dad, Mom, Tom, Wayne, Janet, Myra, everybody who touched you
played with you.


by Natalie Shwartz (Toronto, ON, Canada) May 4th, 2011

I fell in love with her the minute I walked into the shelter and saw her in the cage there. I'm so glad we met and got to spend some time together... 4.5 years is really not enough, I wish she had more time and I wish I could've done more for her in the end.

There were many bad times for me when everything seemed awful but I came home and there was a little cute cat waiting for me that I loved, and I didn't feel so lonely. She may have saved me.

I miss her so much, it's hard to put into words, so maybe I won't try.

Love you Izzie, you will always be my little furry baby and I hope that wherever you are, you're happier and better than you were on your last day. I hope you enjoyed your time with me and were happy.


by Tonio Galea (St.Julian's, Malta)

11 years ago I chose you to be our family cat, the first pet out of all the kittens that were in the pet shop and through out all of these years I always loved you as you were my child, when you got sick I always went mad. we had allot of great times together and when I needed you I always found you and when you knew I was sad you always came to me. 2 days passed and it feels that you left so many years ago the house feels empty without you, you were so small but you were huge to me I love you kitty and I will never forget you :( 

RIP: May 2000 - May 8th 2011


by Peggy Poe (Lebanon, Ohio)

My kitty, Abigail, died from a tumor in her anal gland. She was a kitten when I almost ran over her with my car one hot summer night 16 years ago. She ran out in the street in front of my car and she rescued me. She and my other kitty, Matthew, who was about the same age became the best of friends. Abigail was cuddler; she loved to sleep with me and snuggle up close to my chest. She has been gone for about two weeks and we all miss her more than words can say. Her best friends, Matthew and Katee, are grieving for her.


by Chris (London, UK)

Bobbie passed away on 26th May 2011. Dear little Bobbie, you were my first pet, and I thank you for 15 years of friendship and companionship... I will miss you so much, love from Chris. 

Comment from Kate
Our cat friends are just as special in our lives as our other friends. It is so important to let yourself grieve for them and to remember them too. Thanks Chris for adding Bobbie's cat memorial to our quilt.


by Diana (Indiana) June 11, 2011

My son brought Sam home when he had to move and Sam made himself right at home. He had the loudest purr I have ever heard and if someone was on the couch when he purred you would feel it. 

He had a habit of head butting then ever so lightly taking a nip at your arm or hand, never enough to hurt. I guess it was way of giving a kiss. I will miss my little Sammi and hope he is resting well.

"No Heaven will not ever Heaven be unless my cats are there to welcome me." epitaph in a pet cemetery.


by Darlene Fang (Elberton, Ga USA)

Porky passed away on June 20,2011

I will love you and miss you all the days of my life.


by Mary (North Carolina)

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge June 24, 2011 at 9 a.m

Always Remember Max how much you ARE loved and I hope you took that love with you.
I hope you are chasing butterflies in sunny, flowered fields as I type this.
You are greatly missed

Mom and all your feline family


by kelly & rob (indiana)

Bubba, We miss you... you are forever in our hearts


by Chris (London, UK)

Lucy passed away on 9th July 2011, at age 15... just a few weeks after we lost our eldest cat, Bobbie. Thank you Lucy for being a kind, loving, beautiful pet for all those years... You are much missed, and much loved always.... love from Chris.



Remembering our fuzzy friend buddy. Our cat went to sleep last night. He gave us many years of love and sandpaper licks. He was always happy because he would let us know with the loudest purr. 

in one year he went downhill fast. R.I.P my sweet kitty. I am so happy I found you that day at the pound , or i should say you found me. as I walked by, you jumped on the window of the cage as if to say please take me.

The dog is my other baby he is rocky. They liked to lay on my feet under my desk. They where snuggling with each other and buddy always cleans him and my other cats. Buddy was really a lover. Some of my other cats get into little fights but never buddy. When you held him and pet him he always would lick us with his little sandpaper tongue. I loved his big blue eyes. my granddaughters could lay on top of him like a pillow and he would just lay there it’s like he knew they were babies and never complained. This last week of his life I knew he was dyeing and people told me to put him down, but i just could not do it. so we gave him extra love this week. They say a cat will die someplace comforting to them. I guess that was in the kitchen where my daughter was. She was cleaning and checking on him and he just stopped breathing right there. Before my granddaughter came to bed she said to me buddy don’t feel good. Then she said i think he is afraid to close his eyes. 15 minutes later he past away. we all cried and we had a funeral for him in my kitchen and now he is resting outside my window and the weekend the kids will plant some flowers for him. he will have his own little garden. Thanks so much this really does help with the pain.


by Stasi (RSM, CA)

Fritzy Cat, My little love muffin. You left us so suddenly and no words an express the amount of sorrow we feel. We will miss you every day. 

We rescued him from a rescue that was over run with cats of all ages. He and his litter were found in an abandoned house and his poor whiskers had either been cut or burned. For the first couple days he would only eat wet food off my hands After some time and patience, he grew to trust humans again. And even loved our baby who was born in march. He was the only cat who cuddled with him, licked him and let him touch him. 

we lost him at 2 am 8/30/11. Sadly, Im not sure what from. we were planning on taking him to the vet at 6 am. I thought he was reacting to the heat because our AC died and the fans were not much help. After cool baths in the sink and force feeding him with a dropper, our efforts did not help. The amount of guilt I feel can not be expressed. 

Muggy Doo

by Josey Wicks (Sebastian, FL)

~03/20/90~10/19/11~ Our sweet old lady Muggy Doo, We miss you tremdously and we will NEVER forget you. Your 21 years on this earth you were our everything and you fought the good fight for the last three years. Anyone who got to meet you, loved you so much. We are so blessed that you were our baby girl, Rest in Peace sweetheart, our hearts our breaking but we love and have so many good memories of you. Love you always and miss you sooooo, Mommy, Daddy and your sissy Lilly Belle...and yes Muggy we know you sent us your sister because we never thought we could love another cat, but you knew that she would help us through and prepare us for this difficult time...Love you Muggy doo 

Shin Shin

by Jay (San Diego, CA)

She died exactly one year ago as of this writing, 11/6/10. She was a very sweet and funny cat. She used to love to perch on my shoulders, and on my hip, and on my stomach. She would greet total strangers walking by, and I would see her getting petted by children, adults, the postal carrier, and more... She taught me a lot about not holding a grudge, unconditional love and being patient. (I say that because she had to endure the adoption of a dog, multiple cross country drives, the closing of a favorite window, etc.). One time I accidentally tightened her collar too tightly, and she started to choke (boy did I feel horrible!). I fixed the situation, and not even five minutes later was she back on my lap, totally trusting me. 

She would find funny hiding places, like the top of a kitchen cabinet (we called it mount kitchen cabinet). She loved boxes and paper bags. She loved sitting on laptop computers and computer cases and suitcases.

She also kind of liked people food. One time she knocked over an entire cake in the middle of the night (it was, fortunately, in an enclosed container). 

It was hard to be sad when a little cat is sitting on your lap (she was little, always was around 5 pounds or so).

At the end, she lost her eyesight. I will never forget that she still made her way downstairs, looking for her litter box. And then she adapted quickly to not having eyesight, like it was no big deal. 

It was a big loss when she died, at age 17 (we think; she was adopted from the humane society, and exact dates are murky). I can't remember crying as hard as I did when I knew her time was over. But I still feel her presence, and we had a box mysteriously disappear last week (it had been above the refrigerator, in a cabinet


by Saad Ullah Sooraj (Abbottabad,Pakistan)

Teeno is now living in my memories and heart my sweet TEENO died and her death was a great shock for me. Teeno was not only a cat for me she was my friend. I can't express my pain and sorrow on her death. her mysterious look was unique she had fine manners as well. Before her death she gave birth to PEENO a little beautiful kitty who is also very dear to me but Alas! she is not TEENO.I am sharing the pictures of my TEENO I am sure the cat lovers will like these pics and appreciate the beauty of my lost cat teeno.

Remembering Spot

by Mary (Virginia, USA)

Our Dear Spot crossed the Bridge on November 5 2011.
He was 15 years old.
Rest in Peace Dear Spot

Spot came to our family several years old when we was in rescue in Michigan. His owner met a man online in California and decided to move away and surrendered Spot before she left.

Spot was always a spunky kitty and a " King Of The Jungle Type Cat". He walked with long strides like a lion and he took nothing off of other cats or humans.

He had beautiful GREEN eyes that captivated you at first glance.
He was quite the verbal boy and always let his wants be known.

In the last few years old age took its toll on him and at 15 years old he could no longer hold on.
He crossed the bridge in the early hours of November 5th 2011.
We found him under my bed which broke our hearts.

He is sadly missed but always remembered.

Mary and Robyn in Virginia, USA


by Ashley (Coral Spring, Florida)

11/17/2011. Exactly 4 years and 3 months old.

I am sorry I couldn't do more my little baby. I hope you know how much you mean to me, and how much you saved me. You are my first baby, and all I can do is hope you feel better now.



by Nancy (Canada)

November 23, 2011

Everyday I will wish I had more time with you, I will always wish I could keep you...just until tomorrow.

Seventeen years you loved us, my heart aches and my arms ache to hold you. Everything just feels so empty without you here. I always said you were the perfect cat and to me you truly were. I hope you really are out there somewhere happy and healthy and roaming around with your brother Conan who left us almost three years ago. The boys together again.


by Lyn (Bedfordshire, UK)

31.8.97 - 17.11.11
To my beautiful feisty Rosie, you brought me so much joy, but I could tell you were suffering, and love sometimes means letting go x 


Arrozito Pablito Gomez

by Tracy L Gomez (Lincoln Nebraska)

Born May 15, 2010 Taken from me in a cruel way on October 31, 2011. Mi pequeno Angelito Arrozito! You were adopted in our life. Quickly knew you were the King of the House! You had me at Meow! It was hard for Frijolita, Me and Papi when you were taken from us. The tears still come but when I find peanuts or other items you used to paw around brings a smile to my face. You were taken from us at a time when we were dealing with Muggy's Passing. (Your cousin who is also on this quilt) You are still my mijo! Very special and always in my Heart! We adopted a little sister! You would love her so! She has a lot of your traits! If I could change that day I would in a heartbeat! Till I see you over the Bridge~ Mami love you so Arrozito Pablito Siempre en mi corazon Mijo!! Mami, Papi, Frijolita & Rosita Milagro 


by jenn (nj)

November 2011
You loved us so much your heart was too big. I miss and love you lexi texi you took a piece of my heart with you! Forever in my heart and soul. your sister will never be the same & your other inseperable half misses u too. In remeberance Mom

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