by Christina Arthur
(Edinburgh, Scotland)
Help! My male cat Dylan who is around 8-10 years old has suddenly begun to go to the toilet inside on the carpets instead of outside. We have had him for 5 years and have never really had this problem before. We got him from a cat rescue place and apart from a few injuries and being very shy and lazy there have never been any problems with him. When this first happened we where out so we tried shutting him in the kitchen with his basket which has a cleanable floor and access to outside and nothing happened. Then he began to do it while we were in the house. We have tried to keep him in the kitchen but it doesn't work. The only things we do when he does it are tell him off and put him outside. But then it happens again. It is snowy outside so that maybe the cause. And we also let a family member's dog into the house recently which also could have triggered it? We really don't know what to do.
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