Cat owner
by Annette
I have a 6 yr old male cat who weighs approximately 18 lbs. He is active and extremly needy! I noticed a month ago that he had an odd behaviour that lasted about 30 secs and since then I have witnessed it 2 more times, now my husband doesn't think it is an odd behaviour. He will be resting or eating and then suddenly gets a dazed look in his eyes and starts purring loudly, then he will start needing and appears to be frozen. He fell into his water bowl and I picked him up and he just laid there. This is so infrequent and brief but it frightens me to think that it could possibly be seizures? He does not foam at the mouth and is not incontient during the 3 instances.
This may sound as if its nothing but it is not a behaviour that I have ever witnessed a cat to display. Can you give me any explainations for this or if he needs medical help?
Answer from Kate
Umm it does sound like he may be experiencing some sort of fit. I think it definitely would be worth speaking to your vet.They may be able to advise you over the phone or they may want to see the cat to do some tests I always think it is worth checking anything unusual in cat behavior even it is to just put your own mind at rest.
If he is suffering fits then the vet may recommend some form of medication or he may say that this is nothing to worry about etc but it is worth checking.
Hope he is Ok
best wishes Kate
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