Cat Rescue Story - Soul Mates

by Lisa Jackson

People are always fascinated by her face. The line goes down her back.

People are always fascinated by her face. The line goes down her back.

It was November 1995 and I was a newly-wed living in a home new to me in a new town. My husband and I worked different schedules and I felt alone. In addition to that, we had a problem with mice.

The house backed up to an alley filled with bamboo and across the street were acres of undeveloped land. Also, due to the cold winter temperatures, the mice were seeking refuse in the home. Fed up with the vermin, I announced to my new husband I wanted to adopt a cat.

I knew I didn?t want another calico. I?d had one some 10 years before who was the sweetest thing I?ve ever known. She met an early and tragic end and I was still upset over the incident. I was adamant I didn?t want another calico.

I went to the local animal shelter in search of a feline companion and a great hunter. I had my eye on a beautiful solid white medium hair with striking blue eyes. This timid cat was cowering in the corner of the cage. As I reached up to open the door, I felt a restriction on my blouse. I was caught on something. I looked down and saw a black paw with a white tip snagging my fabric.

I released the claws from my clothing and the other paw zoomed out from the bars of the cage and grabbed my hand. This leg had black, tan and white markings. I knew in my heart without looking it was another callie. I hardened my heart when I looked into her green eyes. I was still not interested in another calico. The pain was still unbearable. Still having her claws wrapped around my finger she pulled my hand close to the cage and offered a friendly lick. As our eyes met, I saw the desperation in her fervent ?meow?. Her purring was so loud; I?d never heard
purring like that before. I shrugged her off and continued my quest for the white cat.

Again, my blouse was snagged by the multi-colored feline. I told the shelter employee I?d comfort this baby before going on to the next cat. I thought I?d cuddle her a few minutes then move on to the white one. As soon as the cage door was open, this 4-month old kitten leapt into my arms and dug her claws in like there was no tomorrow. Every time I tried to put her back in the cage, she would climb over my shoulder onto my back but she still was not letting go.

The shelter worker told me this cat, Cricket, had been left in an apartment. The owner moved out leaving her there alone over the weekend. When the maintenance worker found her Monday morning, the cat was hungry and nearly dehydrated. My eyes welled up with tears at the thought that this sweet baby nearly died because someone was too cold-hearted to find her a proper home or at the least let someone know they couldn?t care for her.

Naturally I couldn?t let her go. She was terrified of being alone again. I brought her into my home and found out she?s an excellent mouser. She?s been with me all these years and was a great comfort when I was sick and even when my marriage broke up.

I don?t know how much longer I?ll have the joy of Cricket in my life but I know she?s never been mistreated by me, she?s always been fed (sometimes too much) and she has lots of toys. She will always have a special place in my heart. My roommate and my ex-husband said when I was gone a little too long; Cricket would wander through the house yowling a cat version of ?meowmma?, looking for me. I tell everyone that she chose me, and I?m so lucky.

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