cat running out the door

by Brenda
(Peterborough Ontario Canada)

After my 3 year old cat gets spayed will she still run out the door and stay out for hours before coming home and wanting to get back in. Then after she gets in she cries for a long time but doesn't seem to be hurt at all.

Answer by Kate
Often cats will settle down after being spyaed as they no longer feel the need to go off defending their territory so much or looking for mates. So yes i would think that after a while she will settle down to be a much calmer cat.

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Kitten Running to Door
by: Victoria

I have a 4 month old male kitten that runs.. the minute he hears the doorknob he is at the door from anywhere in the house..
Could he be defending his territory?
I also belive that he was raised in a garage, he has an extreme curiousity of the garage door

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