Cat Shedding too much fur, help

My cat sheds so much. Hair is everywhere even in the winter.I have owned several cats in the past and have never had this problem. When you pet him you can see fur flying. Is there anything I can do to stop so much shedding?

Answer by Kate
I know your propbalem completely. Little Mo sheds all years round too and the only answer (believe me i have asked all sorts of people) is to brushe them every day. This removes alot of the loose hair and helps to prevent fur balls aswell.

Comments for Cat Shedding too much fur, help

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All-Natural Goodness
by: Anonymous

I used to get a furry butt from sitting on our couch! I was the queen of the lint roller until my husband found a feline vitamin made by a company called dinovite-all-natural products. I think she might have had some sort of nutritional deficiency, because now I rarely have to pull out the lint roller, which makes me a happy mom. :)

The answer is HERE !
by: Anonymous

My vet recommended a product that ACTUALLY WORKS !! If your vet doesnt stock it, see if they'll order it. The cost is $20.00 and lasts a long time.

**** OPTIMA 365***

Comes in dog and cat formula.
Just pour on the creamy liquid in can food and the'll never know the difference !

Stacy :-)

excessive shedding
by: B in NJ

I, too, have a cat that sheds too much and I brush him twice a day. He is in all other ways healthy and normal but he sheds all over the house year around. The vet has no answers for us. It is so frustrating!

No we have asked too but it seems that some cats just shed more than others, it doesn't seem to be realted to breed, or food or illness. We're just lucky i guess. Kate (site owner)

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