Cat sleeps way too much
I've just adopted a 7 month old cat. She does not play but only spends her complete day in our living room window. She does not spend her time sleeping but staring out into space. I've noticed that her pupils dialate up and down while she is staring.
She have what i would call any motivation or life in her.
She will only move about the house to get her food or use the litter box.
I've also noticed that when I bring her to my bed at night and while she is laying on me that she begins to nod off but her eyes never close and her head drops down in stages till she has it resting either on me or the bed and still her eyes are open.
I've had cats all my life and I'm 52 years old and have never experienced behaviour like this. She is literally existing.
Any ideas as to what could be causing this?
I've attached a photo and as she is in this picture is how she spends her day.
Answer by Kate
yes this does not sound normal for such a young cat.
Have you taken her to see a vet about this. There may be some underlying illness which could be causing this. Perhaps she has difficulty with her sight or she may even have some form of mental disability. She really does need to be checked out by a vet I think.
Although cats can get depressed sometimes, there is normally always some sort of cause which may well be that they are not feeling well.
I hope she is better soon...
best wishes Kate