Cat Territory.

by Linda
(South Africa)

I am wanting to acquire a kitten but am afraid that the neighbour's cat will fight with him. It is a large male cat and he controls the territory (my house unfortunately falls into it) and he fights with any cats entering his turf. Would it be preferable to get a female cat? Most of the cats I have been offered are male.

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by: Kate

Hi Linda,
There are no guarantees that your cat won't get into a fight with the next doors cat. In fact i would say that some sort of confrontation is inevitable. However you are correct that saying a female cat would be better as this does lead to less confrontation. However you must make sure that you have her neutered straight away.

I live in an area with many cats, some living right next door and yes i do sometimes here fights, but cats will only get into a serious fight when it's a life and death situation, as they do not want to suffer any injuries. Most fights are therefore mainly warnings. Territory is normally shared out after a while and the confrontations will reduce. Don't worry too much; it is possible to have a cat even though your neighbour has a cat. :)

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